Are you the one?

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While writing is my first love, I’ve spent years working in the digital marketing industry. I get a kick out of designing social media strategies, developing Facebook and Instagram campaigns, and engaging in Twitter chats. How else would I implement my love of GIFs?

I kid.

(Unless you’re like me and you’re into them for your brand!)


In all seriousness, social media still holds a special place in my heart. I love helping dedicated brands build their strategies towards:

📲 Increased brand awareness

📲 Solid brand loyalty

📲 Higher rates of conversions

📲 Telling your brand’s story

📲 Establishing your brand identity

Gone are the days where social media is passed of to the intern whose only experience with digital marketing is that they have their own personal Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Are you ready to jump into social media design?

Great! I only take three very special clients at a time for social media services. Are you the one?

 We should get started if…

✔️ You want to create consistent, relevant content to increase engagement and visibility of your brand.

✔️ You want to build the story around your brand.

✔️ You have a specific brand set in motion with clear goals for your business.

✔️ You are ready and able to make the investment towards the digital strategy of your brand.

✔️ You are willing and able to stick to timelines.


We probably won’t work out if…

❌ You’re not sure if you’re ready to dive into your brand.

❌ You struggle with accountability and have a hard time sticking to deadlines.

❌ You aren’t ready to do the work.

If you are serious about your brand and are ready to use social media to tell your story and bring your vision to life, you may be one of our very special clients! Ready to get started? Let’s go!