
Know what you want to say but don’t know how to say it? Or maybe, you know what you want to say but don’t have the time to keep up with it? You’ve reached the right place! I offer a myriad of writing services from short term projects like profession…

Know what you want to say but don’t know how to say it? Or maybe, you know what you want to say but don’t have the time to keep up with it? You’ve reached the right place! I offer a myriad of writing services from short term projects like professional biographies for your next speaking engagement to more branded and long-term projects like blog posts and social media copy. Writing is what I love to do most; let me take that off your hands so you can do what you do best!

Copywriting / Ghostwriting

When you’ve finished working on a post, piece, or book, sometimes the most dreadful part comes next: going back over it, red pen in hand. Backed by years of editing experience from magazines, to newspapers, to poetry and creative works, I’m here to …

When you’ve finished working on a post, piece, or book, sometimes the most dreadful part comes next: going back over it, red pen in hand. Backed by years of editing experience from magazines, to newspapers, to poetry and creative works, I’m here to help. I’ll dig into your work and help you to bring your work to life with comprehensive editing. Quick turnaround, guaranteed!


The minute someone knows about your brand or business, what do they do? They head straight to the internet. Gone are the days where you throw the social media baton off to the intern – or someone else that has enough time to fiddle around with your …

The minute someone knows about your brand or business, what do they do? They head straight to the internet. Gone are the days where you throw the social media baton off to the intern – or someone else that has enough time to fiddle around with your Facebook and Twitter posts. Why? Because you customers are watching. That’s where they go to learn about your business and the folks behind it.. Let’s work together to develop a social media strategy, best practices for your platforms, and work out implementation plans. Together, we’ll work on consistent, on-brand and tactical social media content to keep your online portfolio current and telling of all the awesome stuff you do!

Social Media Strategy and Management

What’s one thing that Apple, the White House, and Crockpot brand all have in common? I’ll tell you; someone handling what’s before the public eye. No matter how big or small your brand is, you need someone on the front lines making sure that everyth…

What’s one thing that Apple, the White House, and Crockpot brand all have in common? I’ll tell you; someone handling what’s before the public eye. No matter how big or small your brand is, you need someone on the front lines making sure that everything aligns and projects exactly what you want it to. A PR specialist does more than write your press releases (that, too, is still important). They are the ones behind the scenes – organizing, planning, and strategically optimizing your work, network and world around you to keep you one step ahead.

Crisis Mode

Oops! Did something go wrong? Let’s figure out how to navigate the waters and keep your brand in the best light. Better yet, let’s get ahead and have a strategy in store just in case something hits the fan.

Public Relations

Sometimes you’ve got something great going on, but don’t quite know how to get it in front of the world around us. That’s what I’m here for! Let me help you connect to your tribe. This will help you grow your community of supporters, clients, collab…

Sometimes you’ve got something great going on, but don’t quite know how to get it in front of the world around us. That’s what I’m here for! Let me help you connect to your tribe. This will help you grow your community of supporters, clients, collaborators, and more. Get your e-mail marketing and community campaigns started today!

Community Relations

Words are dope, but what can bring it all to life? Vision. Let our designer, Chanel jump in and create on-brand content for your latest works. Need a logo designed? Working on a flyer for your next event? Want to bring your blog post to life? Let’s …

Words are dope, but what can bring it all to life? Vision. Let our designer, Chanel jump in and
create on-brand content for your latest works. Need a logo designed? Working on a flyer for
your next event? Want to bring your blog post to life? Let’s get to work on making it all POP.

Graphic Design

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