Meet Our Team: The Creative Communicator

Bria Charlei Baylor

Bria Charlei Baylor, better known as The Creative Communicator, is dedicated to helping others make an impact on- and off- line. From a very young age, she recognized her skill as she began winning poetry and essay contests. She earned her B.A. in Public Relations and Journalism from Salisbury University followed by certifications from Hootsuite University, HubSpot and Google Analytics.

After many years of developing content for blogs, social media pages and websites as a freelancer, she took on the role of The Creative Communicator under her own agency. In 2018, she  welcomed a few designers to her team to include graphic design into her list of services. Now, when a client comes for copywriting, they can get accompanying graphics all in one place!

She has a passion for storytelling and the dedication to craft it well. She aims to help established brands better use their words to make an impact.

Where does The Creative Communicator get inspiration for content? She believes that inspiration can be found anywhere. She gets inspired by clients’ stories, a really good Netflix or podcast binge (Reply All and 30 Minutes With The Perrys are two of her favorites) or a day around moving water – the beach, a waterfall, a bubbling stream, you name it!

What does The Creative Communicator do in her free time? When she’s not working, you can find her with a good book in hand, performing spoken word, writing, travelling or at the yoga studio. She is a licensed Thai yoga massage therapist and is currently undergoing her 200 YTT – the pathway to becoming a yoga teacher. She’s got a lot of interests and loves to learn!

What motivates her? God, the desire to create and serve and a couple of solid quotes:

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'!” —Audrey Hepburn

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" — Romans 8:28

She hopes to never stop learning, writing or travelling!