Please pardon the dust...


You may have noticed that my socials and blogs have been a little quiet. Thanks for noticing!

Here’s why…

As promised, Quarter 2 was all about redesigning my brand, to streamline my services and creating a better user experience for all of you. I feel like I blinked and the second quarter of the year was gone. (That must mean I have been working hard 😊)

In the next couple of weeks, you will notice more and more changes from the new website to the roll-out of brand new packages for branding, ghostwriting, and event coverage! If you want the first scoop, sign up for my e-mail list – this means first dibs on discounts, too!



Please be patient with the full roll out, just know that change is around the corner. The  team is growing and The Creative Communicator is BACK and ready for action.

Speaking of which, did you know that I will be part of Pink Prod’s PlanHER conference this weekend? Yep, I am in Houston now, ready to connect with new clients and other creatives. If any of my readers are in Texas, stop by, I’d love to meet you! (It isn’t too late to grab tickets, either!)

Oh, and if you can spare a moment - I would be stoked if you could take this survey for me. It would help me make sure that I am giving you the best experience possible! 

Thanks for your patience! Stay tuned for more in August!