Time for a redesign!


Here we are, just a week into Q2. The season of spring cleaning and new beginnings is upon us. When springtime rolls around – I’m ready to move things to make them more effective, change up my schedule for better prioritizing, or rearrange my spaces or even try a new look. It’s all about the re-design, which happens to be this quarter’s foundation word. And yes, you read that right – this quarter.

This season, I am redesigning my content, strategies, and more (stay tuned!) to increase productivity and make sure I have more great things to offer all of you! It’s something that I am very excited about after thinking through it all Q1. Part of the redesign strategy includes using foundation words as building blocks to really hone in on and work to continuously better my work and processes. They aren’t much changing, I’m just focusing on each word a little longer.

Foundation words are the basis of how I will move about and grow. Like building a foundation for a home or tall tower, the words have to be meticulously laid and inherently strong to platform all the greatness that will sit atop them. They will be the base and focal point for my upcoming quarter.

As we jump into this quarter, I want to invite you to take part in the #FoundationWord experience with me. Let's redesign!

This could be for your blog, your business, or even in your personal life. Don’t know where to start? These questions might be helpful.

1.      Is there an area in your work/life that seems like it’s out of control or could be improved?

2.     Do a SWOT analysis. What are your strengths in that area? Your weaknesses? What opportunities do you have to grow in that area? What are your threats to that area?

3.      What would your ideal day look like?

4.     What is the hardest part of your day (at work, at home, dealing with the kids, etc)? How can you make it easier?

5.      How do you organize? Could you be better organized?

6.     What can you delegate?

7.      What can you eliminate?

8.     How can you better interact? This can be with your family, your significant others, your boss, your clients, etc.

Taking the time to think of these questions could be the start of an awesome plan of redesigning and setting things in motion for greatness. I’ll be sharing updates with you along the way, but I hope you all will join me and share your own #FoundationWord updates on socials. This season’s for cleaning up things and starting fresh, so here’s to a re-design! Share your progress on twitter with the hashtags #FoundationWord and #redesign!

Happy planning!