Gather 'round: A Writing Round-Up


A large part of what my business does is understanding and promoting the value of creating powerful, effective and engaging copy  (to work in tandem with great graphics, video and *my favorite* GIFs!).

My goal is to help you to create, edit, and market quality content. As the saying goes - and yes, it is certainly true - the trick to becoming a great writer is be an avid reader. Though I’m sure the phrase alluded to books, I know it to be undeniably factual as I read countless articles on the internet.

Even in my place of expertise and days filled with a cycle of  of content creation, copywriting and editing, I consistent gather tips, tricks, and helpful reminders to write more effective, eye-catching, and impactful copy from other writers and industry experts. You’re never too smart to learn from others!

Effective copy is necessary for email marketing, social media management, websites, speeches, and even more traditional content like brochures and flyers. Whew! That’s a lot of writing - and each comes with its own nuisances, techniques and tactics for engaging the right audience and fulfilling the purpose. So there's a lot to know, and -

Everything you write has a purpose, whether it be to land a client, teach a skill, share a story, or build rapport. 


Every word you craft should have inherent value and prove valuable your audience. 

Want to learn what kinds of articles I’m reading to stay relevant and valuable with my copywriting flow? Check out some greats I've read since the ball dropped! (Can you believe it’s already February?!)

10 Ways to Improve Your Sales Writing Without Being Sleazy

(by Business Coach +  Author, @TheAlishaNicole)

It’s all about the wait? No copywriter wants to be that awkward person begging for customers or pining for someone, anyone to purchase a product or to subscribe to their mailing list. But, it must be done. This creative business coach shares how to write winning copy to reach goals as a marketer whilst maintaining authenticity and personality. Because you aren’t just writing just to write, right?

10 Quick Social Media Ad Writing Tips From an Expert

(by Hootsuite copywriter,  @emilyacopp)

Social media ad-writing, is still writing. And with character limits and your audiences’ short attention spans, perhaps its more vital to know how to do it well. Sometimes, you’ve got to be able to make your point in 280 characters instead of a dissertation, you know? Here’s what you need to know to create content in a concise way that drives your audience right where you want ‘em.

19 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Writing

(by Emily Conklin at @Entrepreneur)

Infographics are fun, right? This one from Entrepreneur shares tips to improve your writing process and product. Even if you’re the best, sometimes we all need reminders. Its got quick bits to keep your content at tip-top shape with the goal of elevating “your communication skills to the next level.”


Editing is an often-overlooked part of the writing process. We often try to do a once-over when we finish pouring out our words, when we should be putting in ample time and due diligence in cleaning up and making the content as dazzling as possible. In fact, this article tells us that 30% of the writing process should be dedicated to editing.

Check out this editing post I read: 10 Modern Editing Tips for Meticulous Bloggers by Digital Rainmakers' Editor-in-Chief,  Stephanie Flaxman.

One thing I kept seeing while reading up this past month is:  Avoid jargon. No seriously, save that for the board meetings. Your audience, whether it be someone on your mailing list, a Twitter follower, or one who has stumbled onto your landing page, should be able to understand exactly what you mean. Don’t confuse them. Write to them and for them.

Before you go, I want to know - where do you get your writing and editing news? Share in the comments!

That’s all for today. Happy writing!
